
Etsy Store

All those cool things we get made especially for you! Limited run items from painted Skullivers (Thanks to Silver!) to enamel pins!


A print on demand service for t-shirts, mugs, pillows. It features classic TLD logos, season 1 character crests and memes. Oh the meme…


If you love the music in our 1st season, you can buy it now on Bandcamp! The proceeds go support to our fantastic editor/composer - Neil!


Skulliver - The STL file

We love our #SkulliverTravels on social media - we love seeing how far around Earth Skulliver has travelled! For those of you with access to a 3D printer and a hunger to print and paint your own 3D rendering of our logo, lovingly dubbed Skulliver, please email the team for details on how to pay us through Paypal ($8) - file available with or without numbers!


Zaltanna Splash Art Jackets

Hand painted by Sammie Armstrong (Insta @sammiearmstrong_tattoo). If you want one of these, please send us an email ( and we’ll put you in touch with the artist. This can be applied to almost anything, you just need to ask!

Please note that you will need to pay for the item being handpainted! Also Sammie is Volly’s niece. Much love there.